
KCL Digital Collections is the Digital Library of King's College London, where you can find digital surrogates of resources from our Archives and Special Collections. You can browse our digital collections here.

King's College London Archives - including the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives - hold a unique and internationally significant range of archival and printed sources, ensuring their preservation and providing access to King's students, academics and other colleagues, the global research community and the general public.

Subject areas of strength include:

  • History of King's College London and its merged institutions
  • Military and defence studies
  • Travel and exploration
  • Empire and Commonwealth
  • History of medicine and nursing
  • History of modern Greece
  • English Literature (20th Century)
  • History of science

Use our Archive Catalogues to browse and search our collections or Library Search to see them in context with other Library resources.

The Foyle Special Collections Library holds over 200,000 items - printed books, pamphlets and periodicals, as well as maps, slides, manuscripts, typescripts and photographs - ranging in date from the 15th century to the present day and in subject from human anatomy to Modern Greek poetry.

Many items are extremely rare; some are unique. All offer a wealth of opportunities for teaching and research, and together they form part of our local, national and international documentary heritage. A broad overview of holdings and work of the Foyle Special Collections Library can be found here. Use Library Search to search the collections.

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